Founded in 1896, the Jersey Society in London is a membership association for people interested in Jersey life—past, present and future. The Society is run by an elected Council, chaired by Nicolas Paines. Originally intended for people living in and around London, today’s members come from all over the world.
Three main meetings a year are held–in February, May and an annual dinner in October. The venue is usually the Vincent Rooms, Westminster Kingsway College, Vincent Square, London SW1P 2PD ( Members and guests can enjoy a drink and socialise before having supper, which is followed by a talk or a quiz. Other kinds of events are organised from time to time, including boules matches.
The annual subscription is payable on 1st January: £10 (standard), £5 (students) or £15 (for family membership). New members are always welcome: to join, find the form here.
About the Bulletin of the Jersey Society in London
The Bulletin is the journal of the Society. It is published twice a year; members receive a copy as part of their subscription. Contributions from members and others are always welcome.